Cryzen – Your Crypto Trading Assistant with Shuvro Biswas, Founder and CEO

On this week’s Silicon Valley Insider, host Keith Koo is joined by Shuvro Biswas, Founder and CEO of Cryzen and Brian Lora, Cryzen’s Head of Business Development.

Cryzen is an algorithmic trading platform for cryptocurrencies and is analogous to algorithm trading platforms for traditional securities like stocks. The show goes into detail about Cryzen’s platform works and what it takes to get started.

Cryzen’s passion is to become your Trading Assistant for Cryptocurrencies by putting these tools directly into the investor’s hands. Find out more by going to their website at or emailing Cryzen directly at You can also email us:

On this week’s Cyber-Tip, Keith addresses the massive Citrix data breach that is speculated to have been in place for over ten years using a method called “email spraying”. Keith explains what email spraying is and what companies should do to not fall victim to these vulnerabilities.

On the Pivot, Shuvro Biswas, Brian Lora and Keith discuss the latest change in strategy for Tesla and do a deep dive into the future of trading of cryptocurrencies as it continues to move mainstream.

The Silicon Valley Insider Show with Keith Koo

Listen Fridays 1-2pm on 1220AM KDOW Silicon Valley | San Francisco

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