118: Senior Living Innovations in the New Normal

In this episode of Silicon Valley Insider, Keith Koo’s special guest is Rob Henderson, Senior Vice President of Operations at Westmont Living, company committed to being a model of innovation in senior living.

With all the news regarding how COVID19 has adversely affected the senior population, Keith felt it was important to address what senior living and senior communities are doing to safely and effectively serve their residents, employees, and their residents’ family members and loved ones. Keith shares his experience with caring for his parents who had been in senior care and how their senior caregivers must be working in “overdrive” to address the “New Normal”. Keith is joined by senior care industry expert Rob Henderson who has held every role in senior living to explain how the industry is responding to the reality of operating during a pandemic.

Rob gives great insight into the extraordinary measures that are being taken to ensure that senior living residents are given the safest environment possible with minimal disruption to what they have grown accustomed to. He shares what innovations are occurring in all facets of the industry from people, process, and technology including the use of video conferencing technologies. During the show, Rob talks about what leadership qualities to look for in an executive director of a senior living facility for those that are considering these communities as an option for themselves or their loved ones.

On this week’s Cyber-Tip, Keith talks about biometric spoofing. Instead of discussing facial recognition, Keith discusses voice recognition and how a story that involved Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa and Burger King 3 years ago would be addressed today using new methods to combat a voice recognition “hack”.

On the Pivot, Keith is once again joined by Rob who discusses what the future of Senior Living looks like in the “New Normal”. 

To find out more about Westmont Living, senior living or senior care, email us at info@svin.biz and we will be sure to have a representative contact you.

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